How Can We Help?

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We know starting a new buisness isnt always easy, it can be stressful, time consuming and expensive. 35 Design will help you take the first step by creating a visual road map of your website.


Standard Design


  • 5 Page Web Design
  • 5 Page Wireframe
  • Color Pallet
  • Typography
  • Standard Animations
  • Mobile First Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Logo Design *
  • 5 Stock Images *
  • * = optional


Already have a design for your website? Lacking the time, effort, cpability or simply life is getting in the way? Bring your design to us and we will write the front-end code based on your design.


Basic Dev.


  • 5 Pages Max
  • 5 Stock Images
  • Standard Animations
  • Desktop Responsive
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Social Media Links
  • SEO Meta Tags
  • 2 planning sessions


In the current digital business world, it is very important to have a on-line presence to beat your competitors. A great website will determine your sales, customer base and product placement.


Standard Website


  • 5 Uniqe Pages
  • 7 Stock Images
  • 2 Contact Forms
  • 2 Parallax Effects
  • 1 Image Carousel
  • 5 Hover Effects
  • Desktop Responsive
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Multi Lingual *
  • Embeded Map *
  • Online Payment *
  • Social Media
  • SEO Meta Tags
  • 4 Planning Sessions
  • 1 Project Brief
  • 1 Wireframe
  • 1 Design
  • 1 Mockup Revision
  • 2 Web. Revisions
  • 4 Week Deployment
  • * = optional


Need a website with a little more OOMPH? A dynamic website has it all: great looking front-end, seemlesly connected to a robust back-end making your website look and function to your liking.


Dynamic Standard


  • 5 Uniqe Pages
  • 7 Stock Images
  • 2 Contact Forms
  • 2 Parallax Effects
  • 1 Image Carousel
  • 5 Hover Effects
  • Desktop Responsive
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Multi Lingual *
  • Embeded Map *
  • Online Payment *
  • Social Media
  • SEO Meta Tags
  • 4 Planning Sessions
  • 1 Project Brief
  • 1 Wireframe
  • 1 Design
  • 1 Mockup Revision
  • 2 Web. Revisions
  • 4 Week Deployment
  • * = optional


We know starting a new buisness isnt always easy, it can be stressful, time consuming and expensive. You may have a great idea for a buisness but not enough resources to bring it to life


Standard Photo


  • Photographer Protfolio
  • Custom Galleries
  • Sectioned design
  • Landing Section
  • Scroll Gallery Section
  • Gallery Page
  • Contact Section
  • Contact page
  • Social Media Links
  • Fully Responsive on Desktop
  • Fully Responsive on Mobile
  • 3 color theme choises
  • Hosted on AWS
  • Contact form linked to email
  • *Content and images will be provided by customer

Client Reviews.

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We are here to answer any questions about our products. Reach out to us and we will respond as soon as we can.

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