| meet the team. |

BenchMark Logogs

Illinois Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)
Computer Engineering Minor

Full Stack Developer

Andriy Bench

CEO and Founder

Hello and welcome! My name is Andriy Bench and I'm currently employed as a Software Engineer. The idea behind this business is to help small and family owned businesses to establish an online presence. It is important to recognize that not every business can afford an expensive website and social media promotions, which usually is a crucial step in growing a small business in today's time and age. Here at 35th Design I bring professionalism and quality on par with any big web development firm, for a fraction of the cost.

If anyone is curious about my credentials: I graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. I have been developing websites for 3 years now. View my resume here .

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